


Thank you for your support to Pueblo First Church of the Nazarene.
Because of your financial support and generosity, you have planted the seeds that will enable PFC to grow in our community, and provide a church home for you and others.
Thank you for answering the call to contribute to God's work here at PFC.

  • Set up an Online Giving Account
  • Create Scheduled Givings
  • View Your Account

TEXT your tithes & offerings!

You can now use your phone to give!


When it's upside down, money controls people and destroys lives. Did you know that money is associated with the #1 cause of divorce; it is a top level stress contributor and common cause of suicide. However, when it's right side up, money is a tool of a generous life helping people grow closer to God and each other.

  • It's a reflection of your heart. (Matt. 6:19-20)
  • It's a privilege. (2 Corinthians 8:2-4,7)
  • It's faith in action. (Acts 4:32-35)

Giving to Pueblo First Church of the Nazarene is an investment in eternity because lives are being changed. We are here to help people take their "next right step" with God. It is our desire to honor God's trust in us by using His resources wisely and for His purposes. We operate within His provision and recognize our responsibility to manage the resources He provides with integrity and faithfulness.


We understand that life is busy, and sometimes it throws you a curve ball here or there (bad weather, not feeling so well on Sunday, or vacation... you get the picture). Well, now there's a convenient way to give tithes and offerings or donate right from your home computer.

You can give a one-time gift like you would in a regular weekend service, or you can schedule weekly or monthly transfers for your tithes and offerings - and it's at no cost to you!

You can also use your Visa or Master Card and receive rewards! Or you can have the money taken from your checking account.

Maybe you were really blessed by a guest minister over the weekend, but you didn't have your checkbook, or any cash on you during the service... just text an offering to 719-299-3545!

You can view a record of your giving any time you'd like... not to mention you'll be saving the environment by using less paper!


Why do you accept credit cards?

Credit and debit cards, when used within their original designated boundaries, can be efficient and helpful tools for giving. Many people like to use credit cards for all of their monthly expenses and just pay one bill at the end of the month. We discourage anyone with credit card debt from using this option to tithe, and we encourage them to seek counsel if it is an issue.

What is the advantage of online giving?

It saves time, work and will simplify your life! You will be able to give on your own time schedule without having to wait for a service, and it will save you on writing checks as well. With this option you can go green with your giving. With fewer checks to write and less offering envelopes to fill out, you will be using less paper and saving the environment. You can also easily set up a regular giving schedule so you can remain consistent & and faithful in your giving.

Don't I need to physically put something in the offering basket for God to bless it?

We believe God will honor your giving whether it is online or in a service. If you are in a service you can pray in faith for your online tithes and offering as well as anything you may put in the offering bucket!

Is online giving risky?

It is less risky than carrying cash or a check book. The online giving allows you to create a personal login and password. The information is connected directly to your PFC account and it will simplify our accounting records. Online giving is completely secured through 256-bit encryption and secured servers. No one has access to your data unless authorized by you.

Is there a fee for giving online?

It will cost you nothing extra to give your tithes and offerings online.

What if I want to make changes to my giving or use a different credit card?

You will have access to your account via your login and password; you can make adjustments at any time.

Can I designate my giving over the tithe?

Yes. Just like your offering envelope, you can specify where you would like specific monies to go above your tithe.

Can my online giving be recurring?

Yes. You can schedule for specific offering amounts as well as scheduling one time gifts, weekly or monthly gifts.

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