
Main Content

  • We believe in one God who reveals Himself as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit

  • We believe that the Bible is Inspired by God and reveals everything we need to know about living in relationship with Him and each other.

  • We believe that human beings are born with a fallen nature that leads us to live for ourselves, instead of God.

  • We believe that Jesus Christ died as a sacrifice for the sins of the whole world and rose again to give forgiveness and eternal life to all who turn from their sins and trust Him with their lives.

  • We believe that God cleanses the human heart from inward sin and fills believers with His Spirit as we yield ourselves without reservation to Him.

  • We believe that every believer in Christ Jesus should be an active part of the Church, His body in the world.

  • We believe that baptism and communion are the sacraments of the Church, ordained by Christ and that all those who have been saved should participate in them.

  • We believe that people who are sick in body or spirit can be healed through the prayers of God's people and through medical science.

  • We believe that Jesus Christ will come again and receive those who know Him (living and dead) to live with Him forever.

  • We believe that those who have trusted in Christ Jesus will live eternally in heaven with God, while those who have rejected Christ will suffer forever in hell.